NEUTH France

مضاد لحب الشباب- غسول منعش للوجه (خطوة 2) متاح

5.0 (3 تعليق)

ينظف بعمق المسام من الشوائب وآثار الماكياج. ينقي سطح الجلد من البكتيريا المسببة لحب الشباب. يتحكم في إفراز الدهون الزائدة ويحسن ترطيب الوجه. تم اختباره من قبل أطباء الجلدية لا يسد المسامات ولا يسبب الحبوب خالي من الصابون.

350 ج.م ( 280 ج.م )


تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية

المزيد من التفاصيل

Saw Palmetto Extract, Silver Citrate, Salicylic Acid and Niacinamide .
Wash your hands before cleansing your face. Splash water all over your face, squeeze a small amount of the cleansing gel into your hands, lather up and apply it to your face. Rub gently in circular motions to release dirt from pores and clean the surface of the skin. Rinse thoroughly with cold water for healthier look.
perfectly clear skin with long-lasting sebum control.

آراء العملاء (3 تعليق)

Marina murad

26 Jul 2023

The best facial wash I used .. it reduced acne in my face and it cleanses my face very good from oils and makeup without drying my face

Marina murad

26 Jul 2023

The best facial wash I used .. it reduced acne in my face and it cleanses my face very good from oils and makeup without drying my face

Marina murad

26 Jul 2023

An excellent facial wash that reduced the sebum in my skin and treated acne without causing dryness to the skin

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